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一、 论坛简介
  复旦大学光华青年学者论坛, 旨在为各学科领域的海内外优秀青年学者搭建学术交流平台。通过主论坛专题报告会、分论坛学术研讨会和人才洽谈会等形式,围绕国际学术前沿,探讨学科热点问题,促进学术交流与合作,为我校“卓越 2025”人才引进计划的实施汇聚全球英才。


二、 学科领域与分论坛设置
  2016 年度复旦大学光华青年学者论坛定于 2016 年 12 月 29-30日在复旦大学举行。此次论坛设置 1 个主论坛和数学、物理、化学、工程与材料、信息科学、生命科学、医学一、医学二(附属医院)以及人文社会科学等 9 个分论坛(其中人文社会科学分论坛拟安排在2017 年 3 月举行),诚邀海内外优秀青年学者报名参会。


三、 申请条件
  1)年龄不超过 40 周岁(文科不超过 45 周岁);
  3) 在所从事研究的学科领域取得一定成绩或具有良好发展潜力;
  4)有意向通过我校申报 2017 年度青年千人以及有意申请我校“卓越 2025”人才引进计划的青年杰出人才。


四、 申请方式
  登录复旦大学人事处网站http://www.hr.fudan.edu.cn/, 在 “下载专区”下载论坛注册申请表,填写完成后于 2016 年 12 月 15 日前邮件发送至 ghforum@fudan.edu.cn 完成参会申请。学校对申请人进行资格审核后,于 2016 年 12 月 20 日前向审核通过人员发送邀请函。


五、 相关费用


六、 日程安排
  12 月 28 日全天 报到;
  12 月 29 日上午 开幕式及主论坛专题报告会,校领导、领军人才、青年千人代表专题报告;
  12 月 29 日下午 分论坛学术研讨会,各分论坛按学科领域组织相关学科带头人及受邀青年学者进行学术交流;
  12 月 30 日全天 人才洽谈会,各院系对接有意向的受邀青年学者,组织参观座谈,就引进事宜交流洽谈。


七、 联系我们
  联系电话:+86-021-65642953, +86-021-55664593


八、 复旦大学简介
  复旦大学始创于 1905 年,原名复旦公学,1917 年定名为复旦大学。上海医科大学前身是 1927 年创办的国立第四中山大学医学院,1932 年定名为上海医学院,1985 年改名为上海医科大学。2000 年,复旦大学与上海医科大学合并,组建新的复旦大学,进一步拓宽学科格局,增强办学实力,已经发展成为一所拥有哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、医学、管理学、艺术学等 11个学科门类的综合性研究型大学。
  2009 年 6 月,经中央人才工作协调小组批准,复旦大学成为国家“海外高层次人才创新创业基地”。
  目前,学校设有本科专业 70 个,拥有一级学科博士学位授权点35 个,一级学科硕士学位授权点 41 个,博士专业学位授权点 2 个,硕士专业学位授权点 27 个,博士后科研流动站 35 个。
  学校有 17 个学科领域进入 ESI 前 1%,其中,化学、材料科学、临床医学进入全球 1 ‰。学校有一级学科国家重点学科 11 个,二级学科国家重点学科 19 个,入选上海市Ⅰ、Ⅱ类高峰学科 7 个。有国家重点实验室 5 个,教育部工程研究中心 5 个,教育部重点实验室13 个,卫生部重点实验室 9 个,总后卫生部重点实验室 1 个,上海市重点实验室 15 个,上海市工程研究中心 4 个;有教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地 9 个, 中国研究院入选首批国家高端智库建设试点单位,马克思主义学院入选首批全国重点马克思主义学院, “中国大学智库论坛”秘书处落户复旦。学校在 QS、U.S.News 世界大学排行榜最新排名分别居世界第 43、第 121 位,均位列内地高校第 3 位。


Fudan-Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars

  Young Scholars are the future of academic research. Fudan-Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars aims to create communication platforms for global young talented scholars of various research fields to discuss cutting-edge research spotlights, to resolve frontier academic problems and to enhance cooperation among distinct disciplines. The Forum also offers young scholars a taste of research environment and a package of know-how for research in China, specifically at Fudan University. It would eventually foster the ‘Extraordinary 2025’ Elite Project to help attract from world-wide young researchers to work at Fudan University.


Forum Setup
  Fudan-Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars composes of one main forum and nine sub-forums, which cover Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Material and Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Life Sciences, Medicine I, Medicine II (Affiliated Hospital), Humanities and Social Science. It will be held from Dec.29 th ~Dec.30 th with Humanities and Social Science Sub-forum separately scheduled at March. 2017.

Applicants need to:
1. Age below 40 (45 for Humanities and Social Science)
2. Hold PhD degree from top universities abroad, or PhD degree from top Chinese universities with overseas working experience
3. Have remarkable achievements and great potentials in specific research area
4. Have intentions to apply “Thousand Young Talent Program 2017” with Fudan University, or “Extraordinary 2025” program of Fudan University


Application procedure:

  1. Visit http://www.hr.fudan.edu.cn/ and download application form (“Fudan-Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars”)

  2. Complete the form and send it to ghforum@fudan.edu.cn by December 15th , 2016.

  3. Qualified applicants will receive official invitation letter before December 20th , 2016, to participate in the Forum.


Schedule and travel compensation





All day




Opening ceremony
Invited lectures by University President, distinguished scholars and Thousand Youth Talents representatives



Lectures and discussions between young scholars and directors of University Departments in each sub-forum


All day

Detailed communications on advanced supporting policies directly between departments and young scholars

  Accommodation, meals and travel allowance will be provided by Fudan University in accordance with national conditions.


Contact us
  Ms. Jie WEN, Mr. Hao ZHU, Ms. Jing LIU
  Tel: +86-021-65642953, +86-021-55664593
  E-mail: ghforum@fudan.edu.cn


About Fudan University
  Fudan University was established in 1905, and merged with Shanghai Medical University in 2000, forming a new stronger Fudan University with a broader set of disciplines: medicine, sciences, and arts.

Fudan is home to 14,100 undergraduates and associate degree candidates, 14,800 graduates including 3000 foreign degree candidates, 2,700 staff and 3,100 full-time teaching faculty members. Fudan hosts 39 members of Chinese Academy of Science and members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 99 Chair Professors of Chang Jiang Scholars Program, and 30 National Key Basic Research Program of China (also named “973 Program”) PIs. There are 28 schools and independent departments with 70 bachelor degree programs, 35 doctoral degree programs of Level I academic disciplines, 154 doctoral degree programs, 224 master degree programs, and 29 post-doctoral programs. There are 11 Level I national key academic disciplines and 19 Level II national key academic disciplines. Fudan hosts around 300 research institutes including 5 national key labs, 38 ministerial or provincial key labs and engineering centers, 5 “Project 985” Science and Technology Innovation Platforms and 7 “Project 985” Arts and Social Sciences Innovation Bases. Fudan has so far ranked top 1% over 17 disciplines with Essential Science Indicator, of which Chemistry, Material Science and Clinical Medicine out ranked top 0.1%. With the most updated QS and U.S.News ranking, Fudan ranked 43 and 121 respectively which made her the third place in Mainland China.


  Over the past hundred years, the school has made outstanding contributions to the country by developing talent, innovating in science and technology, carrying forward civilization, and serving society. Students and teachers of Fudan always keep in mind the school motto “Rich in knowledge and tenacious of purposes, inquiring with earnestness and reflecting with self-practice,” maintain the school spirit of “civilized, healthy, united, rousing,” practice the school traditions of being “hard working, rigorous, result-oriented, and innovative,” and develop the Fudan spirit of “patriotic service, academic independence, a diversity of approaches, and pursuit of excellence.” They make great contributions to the liberation and development of the people, the construction and development of the nation, and the civilization and progress of society.